Creative Career Level Up

Why I left Apple. And have never regretted it.

Feb 09, 2023

In 2019, I took a serious leap of faith.

I left my big 6-figure tech job to take a chance on something I had no idea would be a success or not. 

I had this idea.

And I had a burning desire to see if it might work.

Despite all the voices in my head telling me I was crazy to leave Apple (actually there were a lot of voices NOT in my head, also saying I was crazy!), I knew I had to give it a try.

You see, back in 2014 - before I got my job at Apple - I was let go from a job I thought was my Dream Job. 

Running out of money and losing confidence by the day, I came up with a system to bring my career back to life.

As part of my system I created a process to understand:

  • Who I was and what gave me a sense of purpose
  • What environments I thrive in and which ones I don’t
  • What a successful life looks like for me
  • How to by-pass the formal application process and speak direct to Hiring Managers
  • How to pitch and position myself for any role - regardless of if I had the right skills

It took me 8 months to secure my role at Apple, but when I did - thanks to the system I had created - I knew it was exactly the right place for me, at that moment in my life.

And for the next few years, I absolutely loved working there.

But as the years went on, the idea started to grow. 


THE IDEA : The system I created secured my dream job at Apple.

Could it also help other people to secure theirs?


I didn’t know the answer to that question. But I knew I had to find out.

It sounds cheesy, but I felt like I had a ‘gift’ I wanted to share with other people. 

Fast forward 3 & a half years and the dream has been realised. 

Turns out, the system I created, does work for other people.

And best of all, I get so much joy from teaching it and being on the journey with my clients. 

I still remember how scared I was resigning from Apple in July 2019. 

I still remember how many people in my life thought I was crazy.

I still remember thinking maybe they were right.

But I’m glad I did it. 

And I’m so pleased that I have (so far) never lived to regret it.

If you have an idea or a dream, don’t let the fear stop you. Things always work out in the end. And the bad stuff usually never happens. 

If it does, you’ll be ok.

I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role. 

If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.