Creative Career Level Up

Waiting for someone to offer you your Dream Job? Hereā€™s the bad news about thatā€¦.

Oct 06, 2022
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Waiting for someone on Linkedin to reach out and offer you your Dream Job?

Here’s the bad news.....This almost never happens. 

It’s a Linkedin fairytale.  

Designed to keep you hopefully waiting for a moment that never happens.

Its called ‘passive job-hunting’.

Passive job hunting is where you decide that you’ll go for a role ‘but only if the role comes to me’.

This includes recruiters contacting you, old colleagues offering you opportunities and roles arriving in your inbox with only ‘easy apply’ required.

It’s the career equivalent of sitting at home every Saturday night, expecting that your future husband or wife will find you with no effort required on your part.

Passive job hunting sux. 

And it is not the way to build an amazing career.

If you are passively job hunting right now, you gotta make a change.

Unless you want other people to dictate where your career goes next, you need to get out there and ACTIVELY job hunt.

That means YOU do the work. 

  • Get clear on what you want with your next career move.
  • Make a plan. Write it down.
  • Set up meetings with old colleagues.
  • TALK TO PEOPLE about what you want.
  • Optimise your Linkedin profile.
  • Learn how to pitch and position yourself for ANY role.
  • Get a MILLION times better at interviews that you are now.

This is how you ACTIVELY build your career. And from my experience, the most sought after roles are the ones that go actively.

So many people passively build their careers.

They drift through their career never taking it by the reins and driving it in the direction they want to go.

And then they are confused when they wake up at 40 in a job they hate, with a career they aren’t proud of.

Don’t let this be you!

It’s time to be an ACTIVE participant in your career.

I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role. 

If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.