This ONE thing is a handbrake on your career. And you need to fix it!
Oct 31, 2024
A new client joined my Creative Career Level Up programme.
She had spent her career in Consumer Goods Marketing and had a fantastic resume working for some of the most recognisable consumer brands on the market.
Unfortunately, she was joining my programme because she was about to leave her job. And the job she was leaving was a very toxic one.
Toxic jobs kill confidence
It probably isn’t a surprise to hear but toxic jobs kill confidence. No matter how confident you start off, a toxic job will take all that confidence from you.
So when I met this client, she was in a tough place.
Despite her wonderful resume, she was doubting herself and her ability. And was struggling to see the way forward.
In fact, she was struggling so much, she was actively pushing her career BACKWARDS!
Before we met, she had started applying for roles. Despite 7 years experience and 2 years as a Brand Manager, she had decided she should apply for Assistant Brand Manager roles - a step back.
When I asked her why she was doing this, she told me it was because she did not think she was capable of being a Brand Manager - despite 2 years of experience.
This was baffling to me. Not only was her resume outstanding and her personality absolutely lovely, we had talked over her experience and there was no doubt in my mind that she was capable of being a Brand Manager again.
Mindset is key to it all
It was clear to me, the biggest problem she had was her own mindset.
Mindset is so important in our careers. I hear it underplayed all the time. People think it is some woo-woo spiritual stuff. But Mindset is real.
If you have a poor mindset going into a job hunt, you will hold yourself back. YOU are doing that.
I've seen people with very average resumes, secure incredible jobs because they believed in themselves and their ability.
And I've seen people with outstanding resumes go backwards because they didn't believe in themselves.
YOU have more control in these situations than you think. But you have to work on your mindset.
3 Exercises to build confidence
Unfortunately getting your mind into a good place doesn't just happen. You have to work your brain muscles the same way you work any other muscle in your body.
Here’s a few simple things I have done to get my mind in tip-top shape for job hunting.
1. Write out a positive scenario from your job hunt - an affirmation of what you would like to happen. i.e I am very good at what I do. I am capable of securing a fantastic new role. I am confident in my ability and am excited to share my skills with new people etc. Record this affirmation on your phone and listen to it daily.
2. Do one thing every day that scares you. It could be asking for a discount on a coffee at your local store. Or asking someone on a date. Or trying a sport you are scared to try. It doesn't have to be a big thing. Just something that makes you uncomfortable.
If you succeed at it, your confidence rises as you know you can do it. If you fail, your confidence rises because you realise you can overcome the failure. Win-win for confidence building.
3. Talk to people in your industry (networking, if you will!). Talking to people regularly gets you out in the market knowing what's going on - but in a safe space. You aren't asking people for a job, you are asking them for a chat and to share knowledge. It might be scary at first. But the more you do it, the more your confidence will grow. Eventually it will grow so much, you’ll be super confident when those interviews start.
These are the exact exercises I did myself back in 2014 after I was fired from my job. Nothing kills your confidence like being fired. My confidence was in the gutter.
But by consistently doing the above, I found very quickly my confidence started to come back. Especially exercise 1. I used to love waking up and listening to my recorded affirmation. Even if I didn't believe it yet, I loved hearing myself say out loud!
Give it a go!
As for my client…
We have only just started the job hunt…but her confidence is already coming back.
Best of all, she withdrew her application for the Assistant Brand Manager position. She told me that after our coaching session, she now also believes she is capable of more.
I’m so happy we agree! And I’m so proud of her.
Personalised 1-2-1 coaching is a key part of my Creative Career Level Up programme.
If you are job hunting right now and would like some support, the Creative Career Level Up might be the right solution for you.
I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role.
If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.