Creative Career Level Up

This one simple mistake could be costing you. Here’s how to avoid it.

Feb 02, 2023

Early in my career, I hit a rut.

I’d been working for Nike for 2 years. And while I was happy and enjoying it, the role had lost its challenge.

I loved the role.

I loved the company.

I absolutely adored my boss.

But I was 28 and I was hungry to learn. 

My inner voice was begging me to start pushing harder. Start learning more things. Start taking on bigger responsibility.

My heart was saying ‘you need more - keep learning!’

But my head was saying ‘you have to wait until it is offered to you’.

So I sat in that role for 2 more years. 

Waiting for someone to offer me the opportunity to progress.

Unsurprisingly, no-one offered me the opportunity.


I am now Brand Director for Digital Sport and Women’s Training, sitting on the Nike London Leadership team.

So what changed?

I started asking for what I wanted.

After being stuck in that first role for 4 years - and painfully watching my peers get promoted around me - I finally reached out to my mentors and asked them to help me.

Within a few months, I was Brand Manager for Football.

After only 6 months in the role, there was a re-org at Nike.

My job was made redundant. But I had the chance to apply for a new role.

Our marketing director told me the role they thought I should have.

But I didn’t want that role.

And for the first time in my career I TOLD this very senior person EXACTLY what I wanted to achieve with my next move.

And that’s how I became Brand Director.

You have to tell people what you want. You can’t sit around waiting to be noticed or for the opportunities to land in your lap.

You can’t build a successful career waiting in the wings.

You must take ACTION. You must go after what you want.

And when you start doing that, BIG things will happen. I promise.

I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role. 

If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.