Struggling with a career move? Hereโs the 3 questions you should ask yourself
Jan 25, 2024
Career decision making is tough.
We all know - often first hand - that an opportunity can look good on the surface. But it can be a disaster in reality.
So, when faced with a big career decision, how do you know what is the right move?
In 2017, I was presented with the opportunity to start a business in Australia (a country I had never lived in).
The opportunity seemed like a great one on the surface.
But it was still a big risk.
I didn’t live in Australia.
I would have to invest money.
And, eventually, I would have to give up my job at Apple.
There was a lot riding on this decision.
So I went to my mentor and asked him how to make this decision
And he told me…
If you ask yourself these three questions and at least two you answer with a positive response, then this is the indication that it’s the right decision to move forward.
Because if 2/3 of these answers are positive, then even if the business fails, you will still have gained something.
The three questions
He told me to ask myself:
- Who will I meet?
- What will I learn?
- And where will this take me?
His reasoning was that if:
- I meet people I wouldn’t otherwise meet,
- or I learnt something new,
- or if it took me in the direction I wanted to go
then even if it failed, it was not a waste of time.
So I took the opportunity.
And the worst happened.
The company failed in the first 6 months.
But he was right.
It didn’t feel like a failure.
It felt like the building blocks of the next chapter of my life.
And from that experience came the business I currently run.
This is now the framework I use for all decision-making
And I encourage you to do the same.
It’s basically fool-proof.
You always win.
And it has served me very well in my career.
I have shared this framework many times with clients on my Creative Career Level Up programme. The CCLU programme is filled with tactics, strategies and frameworks - just like this one - to help you level up your creative career.
I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role.
If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.