Creative Career Level Up

If I Was Starting My Career Again, Here’s What I’d Focus On...

Feb 06, 2025
Photo by Getty Images on Unsplash

I’ve been in the Marketing and Creative industry for 20+ years now. In that time, I’ve had the chance to work with some amazing brands, meet incredible people, and experience a whole lot of growth. 

Looking back, I’m happy with how my career has unfolded. But if I had to do it all again, there are definitely a few things I’d focus on a little more. 

1. I’d Invest More in Myself

Looking back, I wish I’d put more time, money, and energy into my own growth earlier in my career. Spending on personal development is something that became more of a priority in recent years, but in my 20s? Not so much. 

I had some incredible mentors during my time at Nike, but I could have benefited from an external coach - someone outside of the company who could offer unbiased advice and guide me through the tough moments.

There were times in my career when I felt stuck, frustrated, and unsure of the next steps. 

Having a coach or mentor to talk things through with would have helped me process those low points. And I may have seen more opportunities open up as a result. 

It’s one of those things I definitely wish I had figured out sooner.

2. I Wish I’d Taken More Risks

This is a big one. In my 20s, I had tons of ideas and plans, but I was terrified of executing most of them. I had a close friend who started her own business at 23, and I remember just being in awe of her fearlessness. She went for it, and I just… didn’t.

At 43, I’m a lot more confident in my abilities, and I’m not afraid to try things - even if I fail. But back then, I played it way too safe. 

I was so worried about making mistakes or not getting things “right” that I often held myself back from going after the big opportunities that scared me. 

I’d tell my younger self: take the leap!

3. I’d Investigate Opportunities More Regularly

I also wish I’d kept a closer eye on the job market and been more proactive about applying for roles. When I worked at Nike, I was so comfortable and happy in my position that I didn’t really explore what else was out there. 

I’m not saying I would’ve jumped ship, but I do regret not knowing what other opportunities existed.

When I left Nike for a role that didn’t work out (and got fired during my probation period), I was suddenly faced with a harsh reality: I had no clue what the job market looked like outside of my comfortable Nike bubble. 

That experience taught me a valuable lesson - keep your options open and don’t get too complacent.

Next time around

If I could do it all again, I’d focus on these three things: investing in myself, taking more risks, and regularly checking out the opportunities out there. 

That doesn’t mean I regret anything; it just means I’d approach things a little differently next time around. 

What would you change in your career?

If you want to make changes in your career in 2025, the Creative Career Level Up programme might be the right solution for you.

I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role. 

If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.