Creative Career Level Up

‘I’ve been promised a promotion. 12 months on and nothing is happening’

Aug 16, 2024

Today I'm analyzing the situation of a young guy who reached out to me via Tiktok. Let’s call him Gus.

Gus has been working in his current company for just over 2 years - always in the same job. Gus feels he is no longer learning in the current role and knows he is ready for the next step in his career.

What’s the challenge?

Gus would love to stay with his current company. And they initially indicated this was their intention. 

But it has been 12 months since the first conversation and Gus feels like they are dangling a promotion that they have no intention of ever fulfilling.

Gus likes his boss and they have a good relationship. But Gus suspects his boss doesn't have the influence in the business to push through a decision like this one.

How did he get here?

About a year ago, when Gus first approached his boss and asked about growth within the company, the discussion was super positive. 

Gus let his boss know he was outgrowing his current role and would be ready for the next challenge in 6 months time.

They agreed to speak again in 6 months, with the initial indication being there was the opportunity for promotion at that point. 

Unfortunately, there was no clear plan made for this promotion. So when the 6 months was up, Gus’s boss pushed the timeline out by another 6 months.

But once again, there was no plan made. No KPI’s were set for Gus to achieve. There was no agreement on timeframe. And there was no ongoing support to get Gus to the promotion.

All he had was a loose conversation and vague promises that ‘we can make it happen in 6 months’.

How can he move forward?

Gus has to take some control back in this situation. 

Right now, the company and his boss are benefiting from Gus being so passive. He is fantastic at his current role and it probably suits them to keep him there a bit longer.

Taking control back means getting a plan with very clear KPI’s and timeframes. And for Gus, it means being willing to walk away if he isn't able to get what he needs.

My thoughts

Clear Intention

The first thing Gus should do is have a conversation with his boss and let him know his intention.

For example: ‘I need a clear 90 day plan, with KPI’s and a date for promotion if these KPIs are met. And I need your support to execute it’

If his boss avoids locking down a plan, this is a red flag and an indication that the promotion Gus wants will not happen at this company.

Write a Plan

If Gus’s boss is in agreement, then the next step would be to lock that plan down.

It should include clear KPI’s for 30/60/90 days. Weekly check-ins. A completion date. And clarity on what success looks like in completing this plan. 

Most importantly, Gus needs agreement from his boss to support the execution of this plan.

Get a Sponsor

One reason his boss might be avoidant is because, as Gus mentioned, he doesn't have the influence to get a decision like this over the line. If this is the case, Gus needs to find a ‘sponsor’ in the business who can help him.

A sponsor in the corporate world refers to a person who can help represent you in a room when you are not present. Someone who knows you well, believes in your abilities and will help push your career forward for you.

In this case, we want it to be someone who can help Gus execute on his 30/60/90 day plan but who will also advocate for Gus with the people who make decisions on promotions.

For more information on how to find a sponsor or how to write a 90 day plan for promotion, check out my newly launched Masterclass. 

In this course, you will get exact scripts to use to find a sponsor as well as step-by-step instructions on how to get promoted in 90 days.  Check it out here

Be willing to walk away

One of the most important parts of your 90 day promotion plan is that you have to be willing to walk away if you aren't getting what you need.

If you are ready for that next step in your career, and you aren't getting it from your current employer, you have to take your career into your own hands and make the decision to go elsewhere.

It's not an easy thing to do. But you don’t want to waste time waiting for other people. Especially if they have no intention of ever being ready!

If you feel ready for your next perfect role and would like support to secure it, the Creative Career Level Up might be the right solution for you. 

I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role. 

If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.