Creative Career Level Up

I missed a huge career opportunity. Because I wasnā€™t doing this ONE thing.

Aug 17, 2023
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

In my early days at Nike, I was guilty of a career faux pas that even now - over 10 years later - still haunts me.

I’d felt so happy and grateful to achieve my job at Nike, that I didn’t re-set and plan what was coming next. In fact, so happy and content was I in my job that I missed what was going on around me. 

At a competitive company like Nike, I was surrounded by colleagues who were strategising, planning and advancing their careers...while I continued to sleepwalk through the experience.

Then one day, out of the blue, a Brand Director on our Leadership team threw me a golden opportunity.

She cornered me in the corridor on the way back from lunch.

"Apply for a role in my team," she said.

Caught off guard, I laughed it off. 

"No thanks" slipped out before I even knew what happened.

Turns out, my dismissal didn't go unnoticed. 

My boss (also my mentor) confronted me in our next 1-2-1.

"Why didn't you apply?"

I was speechless and had no excuse.

The truth? I wasn't planning ahead. 

I hadn’t even considered this offer because I didn’t even realise I should be.

And just like that, my golden ticket to career advancement was gone.

Here's what I learnt from this experience:

Lesson 1: Your career = your responsibility. If you're stuck, look in the mirror. No one but YOU can negotiate your way up.

Lesson 2: Casual chats can be game-changers. Use them wisely. Who knows what opportunities they might bring?

Lesson 3: Think ahead. Two steps, five years, whatever. Have a direction, a destination. When opportunity knocks, you'll be ready.

Lesson 4: Get a guide. My boss - who was also my mentor - was my saving grace. You need someone in your corner, cheering you on, pushing you forward. And also to call you out on your b*llshit.

Lesson 5: Don't sleepwalk through your career. The big players, they're deliberate, conscious. Yeah, luck factors in, but you can create your own luck.

I took that experience and the lesson I learnt and used them as the inspiration to start taking control of my career. I worked with a coach who helped me work through what I really wanted from the next stage of my career and how I was going to achieve it.

6 months later, I moved to the role of Football Band Manager - working for arguably the best Brand Director in the business. It was a massive step up.

Here’s what you can do

Block out a few hours on a day where you won’t be distracted.

Sunday afternoon is my favourite.

Ask yourself these 5 questions:

  • Is there a job above me that I know I would like next?
  • If not, are there jobs in other companies I’d like?
  • If I don’t know what the next role is, who can I ask to help me?
  • What would I like my life to look like in 5 years? 
  • What career would I need to support that life?

Amongst these answers are the beginnings of mapping out what your career.

And if you need help with, our Total Clarity mini course will give you a structure to work through this process. You can check it out here.

Moral of the story - take control of your career. 

Make conscious decisions, plan ahead, and seize every opportunity.

Trust me, you'll thank yourself later.

I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role. 

If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.