Creative Career Level Up

Here’s why EVERYONE needs a sponsor in their business

Sep 28, 2023
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Ever wondered what the key to accelerating your career might be? In my opinion, it's not about burning the midnight oil or gulping down countless cups of caffeine. 

The secret sauce is having a 'sponsor' in your business. 

Now, you might be scratching your head, "what's a sponsor?”

Demystifying Business Sponsorship

Think of a sponsor as your business guardian angel, but even better. It's more than just mentorship - a sponsor is a powerful figure within your organisation who can unlock opportunities for you. They're your representative at the executive table, your champion, your cheerleader. 

As  Steve Jobs put it, "Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people." And career acceleration is absolutely something you need a team around you to achieve 

My Nike Sponsor

Back when I worked for Nike, I experienced this first hand. Stuck in a role I couldn’t get out of and desperate for promotion, I went to my mentor to ask for help.

Without realising it, my mentor suddenly became my sponsor. Such was their influence at the ‘top table’ they were able to advocate on my behalf and convince an otherwise unconvinced Senior Leadership team that I deserved a chance with a new role. 

Once my sponsor went into bat for me, things moved very quickly. I’d been stuck for 2 years. And within 2 weeks, they’d made things happen.

Securing a Sponsor in Your Business

Whilst having a sponsor can accelerate your career, getting a sponsor takes an investment of time and energy. Like any good relationship, you have to earn their trust and respect in order of them to advocate on your behalf.

Here’s how you can go about starting to find a sponsor

1. Identify the influential decision-makers in your business

2. Place yourself in scenarios where you have a chance to meet them

3. Or request an introduction

4. Devote time and energy to nurturing the relationship

5. Communicate your aspirations and get their advice 

Then when the time is right and the relationship is developed enough, you can ask them for help.

Real-Life Examples of Successful Sponsorship

1. Sheryl Sandberg, the powerhouse COO of Facebook, attributes her career progression to her sponsor, Larry Summers, her mentor at Harvard.

2. The legendary Steve Jobs, had Mike Markkula, an early investor and second CEO of Apple, who imparted business wisdom and acted as a mentor to Jobs.

The Transformational Impact of Sponsorship

Securing a sponsor can be a game-changer for your career. They can offer opportunities, advocate for your advancement, and guide you through the labyrinth of corporate politics. They're the secret weapon you didn't realise you needed.

So, dare to dream big. Seek out a sponsor and watch your career soar! 

I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role. 

If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.