Creative Career Level Up

Here’s how I went from Manager to Senior Director despite feedback I ‘wasn’t’ ready

Jun 01, 2023
Photo by DISRUPTIVO on Unsplash

Have you ever received feedback from Senior Leaders that you aren’t ready for a promotion, despite feeling 100% confident that you are? 

Back in 2012, this was me. 

I’d been at Nike 5 years - and all around me people were getting promoted. 

However, despite feeling ready to make the move up, I was being told ‘no’.

It was gut-wrenching and frustrating.

But I wasn’t willing to give up. 

I knew I was capable and I knew I had a choice.

I could either admit defeat and decide to make side-ways moves for the foreseeable part of my career.

Or I could work out how to SHOW them that I was ready.

I took the latter.

Here’s what I did. And what you can do too.

1. I asked my boss for help - and did everything he told me to do.

I knew I had to take proactive steps to show I was ready to make this move.

Thankfully my boss was a legend and offered to help me work out how to get the experience I needed to be considered for that next step. He worked with me on a step-by-step plan to understand what was missing and what needed improving. 

Rather than being discouraged by the initial feedback, I viewed it as an opportunity for growth. I really took onboard my boss's recommendations and made a commitment to myself that I would follow everything he told me to do. After all, he was already where I wanted to be. 

CAREER TIP - find someone who is where you want to be and just do everything they tell you to. Easy! 

2. I became super humble and acknowledged that I didn't know everything.

One critical shift I made in my mindset was embracing humility and acknowledging that there is always more to learn. I understood that senior leadership roles required a deep understanding of the business, its challenges, and the wider industry, and that to make that move up, I was really going to have show that I understood the bigger picture.

I became an avid learner, immersing myself in our industry, shadowing senior people, and actively seeking opportunities to broaden my knowledge.

By letting go of the ego and being humble enough to accept the feedback I showed how committed I was to developing - not just in the company, but also within myself.

For a growth mindset company like Nike, this was key.

3. I went beyond my role and started to support teammates and our wider business.

I realised I had to go outside of my current role and start thinking like a senior leader, rather than a junior teammate. I looked for opportunities to support other people in our team and took on leadership roles, even though I didn’t officially have a leadership title.

I offered support to teammates who faced challenges and volunteered for cross-functional projects. I solidified relationships with senior leaders, not just in my part of the business but in other functions as well. 

By going outside the scope of my job description, I showcased my ability to think strategically, collaborate, and drive results that mattered to the business.

Taking Control of Your Career

Remember the old saying, "Be so good they can't ignore you." 

This is what I thought of when I was first told ‘you’re not ready for this role’. 

In your career you have to show people what you are capable of.

It's not their job to realise your greatness - it’s your job to show them.

If you are in this situation right now, remember two things:

  1. You have more control than you think
  2. And you don’t have to wait for permission to show you can lead

Good luck! 

I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role. 

If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.