Creative Career Level Up

Here’s 3 important thing to know about the current job market -which you probably aren’t thinking about

Nov 09, 2023
Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

If you're job hunting right now, or you're thinking about starting a job hunt, there are three things you need to know about the current job market that you probably haven't considered. 

However long you think it will take, it will take much longer

The first thing you need to know is that your job hunt is going to take so much longer than you think. In fact, whatever number you are thinking, I would suggest you triple it.

It’s an employers job market right now. Not an employee's market. And because of this, it is taking way longer than people think to secure jobs.

Don’t get me wrong, job hunting can be tough even in a good job market. But right now, the nature of this market is that no-one is securing roles quickly and people are often disappointed when they set a time frame for themselves.

Be careful not to put a timeframe on your job hunt. Expect the worst. Be happy when its not that bad.

You need to up your game by at least 30%

The second thing you need to know is -  whatever amount of effort you're putting in right now, you actually need to increase it by at least 30%. It’s that kind of market. People who have been job hunting for awhile know this. And they have increased their effort way above everyone else.

If you think you are doing all that you can in your job hunt, trust me, the next person is doing WAY more. People are going to a whole other level than they would in a normal market.

For example, people are networking like crazy. Consistent, regular networking to build their Power Team of support for their job hunt.

The quality of applications are higher. People are putting way more work into applications than would typically be required.

Focus has increased. People are applying for less roles but with higher quality applications. 

People are LEARNING the skills of job hunting. It’s a skill like anything else. And most people don't have it. So candidates are investing in learning those skills - how to apply direct to hiring managers, how to control interviews, how to sell themselves in the application process.

People are going to another level with their job hunts and you have to too! 

You can only control what you can control

The final thing I need you to know is that you only have control over are your thoughts and your actions. Nothing else.

You do not have control over whether you get a job, even if you are the best candidate. 

So you have to be kind to yourself. Focus on the things you can control (see my points above) and put in a big honest effort. But know that there are a lot of things you won’t have control over. 

Don't be beating yourself up when you miss out on roles. Work out how to pick yourself back up and keep going again, but please be kind to yourself. It is a tough market out there right now.

I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role. 

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