Creative Career Level Up

Do this ONE thing at the end of interviews to dramatically increase your chance of getting hired!

May 11, 2023
Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

There is evidence out there that suggests the start and end of your interview is the most crucial to getting hired. And while we have all heard of an ‘elevator pitch’ and probably have one prepared to start an interview, how many of you have an Outro Pitch?

Never heard of an Outro Pitch? Im not surprised. 

That is because very few, if any, people are using them. But they are the single BIGGEST change you can make to your interviews that will dramatically increase your chances of getting hired.

What is an Outro Pitch?

It’s in the name - an Outro Pitch is the pitch you give on your way out of the interview. It is a 90sec final summary of how you are going to add value for the company you are interviewing with. When the interview is coming to an end, you want to have the final word. And the final word should be your Outro Pitch. 

Why do we need one?

Because its not the Hiring teams job to work out why you are right for the role - it is your job to spell it out for them. And the Outro Pitch is a great way to summarise the whole interview at the end for them. They might not remember every single thing you said during the interview - but you want them to remember the key ways you are going to add value for them.

How to create a kick-ass Outro Pitch?

Firstly, make sure you are clear on what the key problems the hiring team are looking to solve for with this role. Focus your pitch on how YOU are the solution to these problems.

If you dont know what they are, do your research - online, talking to your network, dissecting the job description. Or my personal fav - just ask the HR person in the first interview. They almost always tell you!

Secondly, pick just three things you will focus on in your Outro. Make sure they are 3 big things that are a pain point and make sure you can position yourself as the person to solve these.

Finally, write a short succinct pitch using these 3 points and you as the solution.

Practice it over and over again until it sounds confident and rolls off the tongue.

How to deliver it?

Wait until the end of the interview. When you are sure everyone is done, take control of the interview and say:

Thanks so much for your time. I know we have talked about a lot in this interview so I just want to take 90 secs to summarise how I can add value for you in this role.

Then launch into your Outro Pitch.

The final thing they will remember when they sit down to discuss who is the ‘must hire’ for the role, is your summary of how you’ll add value and why they should hire you.

This ONE addition to your interviews will dramatically increase the chances of getting hired.

I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role. 

If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.